Adult Education


Adult Education

There are many opportunities for adults to enrich their faith through learning. Opportunities include forums, Bible studies, book studies, Sunday text studies, current issues and more.
Learning Opportunities for Adults
When September arrives at Covenant, children are not the only ones who return to Sunday school. The Adult Education Core Team will be offering several opportunities for adults to grow in faith through bible study, reflection and conversation with others. Here’s a look at what’s planned so far:

Bible Study

Held Hybrid (both in-person and via Zoom). We will meet in the Gateway Room from 5:30 – 6:30 most Wednesday nights throughout the school year. You are invited and welcome to attend! Link to join by zoom here.

Book Group

Meeting monthly discussing various novels and finding ways to bring that knowledge into practice, join Covenant’s Book Group and gather to grow together. Find more information in the weekly email, on our webpage, or call the office at (608) 873-7494 to be connected with the host of the month.

God’s Work. Our Hands.

This Annual Day of Service is held in the Fall, 2023 Date to be Determined, after worship we will work together filling needs in our community and around the world. This special Sunday is an Annual Day of Service bringing congregations together for light work and lasting community benefits.

Feeding the Hungry

Help feed families in need at St. Marks in Madison. The second Friday of each month we join the team at St. Marks to feed the hungry right here at home. Food insecurities are real and scary. Contact Norm Sime to sign up and help!

Social Action Team

Join our Social Action team as they dig deeper into the social needs of our community and the world. Work together to address needs from near and far. Giving hope and help to those who suffer and those who aim to address that pain. This is a monthly meeting help Hybrid (both in-person and via Zoom). Link to join by zoom here.

Musical Opportunities

Both the Bell and the Vocal choirs are accepting new members! It is a beautiful thing to be able to play/read music and our directors will be happy to show you the way. For more information please contact the office.

A Friendly Reminder: 

Anyone in our community is welcome to join for any of these events. For more info, contact the church office.