What will your Legacy be?

Make your legacy gift to the Foundation. Your legacy will live in perpetuity and benefit generations to come.

Gifts to the Covenant Lutheran Church Endowment Foundation, Inc are managed by the Foundation and are invested with professional money managers who are responsible for making income generating investments.
The Foundation maintains the principal amount of the donations intact and uses the income to fund the Grants and Scholarships it awards. Foundation donations are undesignated and applied to Needs and Services
Humanitarian purposes unless the donor designates a specific purpose. Designations can be specific, general or anything in between. Undesignated Gifts can be used for any purpose or need related to Covenant Lutheran
Church and its ministries and used at the discretion of the Foundation.

Your donations are tax deductible because the Foundation is an IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization and has a Certificate of Exempt Status (CES) from the State of Wisconsin.


Covenant Lutheran Church Endowment Foundation, Inc.

The Foundation was created by the church council and the first board of directors were chosen at the annual meeting on January 22, 1989. The Foundation had their first meeting on February 12, 1989. The Foundation provides a special way for members of Covenant to be stewards of our earthly gifts and blessings beyond our day-to-day and week-to-week stewardship offerings.

The Foundation’s mission is to improve our community by awarding educational scholarships to members, provide grants for church improvements and distribute grants for humanitarian causes. The funds collected by the foundation are invested and managed to provide perpetual benefit to it’s members: the members of Covenant Lutheran Church.


 Our Mission

The Foundation awards scholarships annually in May for the following fall/spring semesters to those applicants who are members of Covenant. Scholarships may be applied to Seminary, ELCA and 4-year Colleges and Universities, Technical Colleges, Trade Schools. Private and Parochial Schools and Pre-K education. We award church improvement grants and humanitarian grants though out the year.
Examples of the work the Foundation does includes the following:

  • The Foundation started by awarding just one scholarship per year and is now providing tens of
    scholarships annually.
  • The Foundation has made several improvements to the church over the years. Examples are:
    ◦ Solar panels that provide a renewable energy source for the electricity we use.
    ◦ Altar back-lighting
    ◦ Church Museum
    ◦ Completing the hearing loop
    ◦ COVID-19 Response package
    ◦ Carbon Monoxide Remediation
    ◦ Air Conditioning for Education Wing
  • Humanitarian grants provide benefits locally and globally. Examples of these grants include:
    ◦ Food For Kids
    ◦ Host a Family,
    ◦ The Housing Advocacy Team (HATS)
    ◦ Global Health Ministries
    ◦ Puerto Rico hurricane disaster relief
    ◦ Colorado Wildfire Relief.

The Scholarship Brochure explains eligibility and deadlines: Scholarship Brochure
Here are the links to the Online Scholarship Application and the Grant Request Form. You will need to
download the grant request form and email it to secretary.covenantfoundation@gmail.com

Roof Repair 2019

Solar Array and Parking Lot

Sanctuary Lighting Upgrade

Altar Backlighting

Hearing Loop Upgrade

Digital Sanctuary Upgrade

The Gateway Conference Room

Courtyard Gate Install

Pastor Office Update

Water Heater Repair

Courtyard Patio Furniture Update

Education Wing Air Conditioning Install

Parish Care