In Our Community


There are many ways to serve in our congregation, community and world. Consider all the many opportunities available in hospitality, social justice, education, care of people, care of our building and grounds and so much more. Where do you see yourself serving?

Refugee Family Resettlement
Refugee ResettlementOne of the goals of “Faith in Action” at Covenant is to continue our Refugee Resettlement efforts. Since the 2010 effort to welcome the Khati Family was such a positive experience for them and for us, the Social Justice Team decided to help resettle another family in 2011 in partnership with Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. That resettlement goal has been accomplished! Covenant supplied furnishings for an apartment for a family of four in September. In addition, Covenant helped supply some items for two other families!

Most of the furnishings had been accumulated at no cost to our congregation thanks to donations and Craig’s List-Free. The most important and rewarding task is becoming acquainted with and helping the family feel welcomed. Watch for further updates as this important ministry continues.

Sharing Experiences For a Better Life
As refugees arrive in the United States, they face a myriad of hurdles, large and small. In the first few weeks after arrival, many individuals will have their first experiences with automobiles, electricity, or indoor plumbing. Others might be entering a school for the first time, or attending their first job interview.

Though many families might be similar to the average American family in various ways, refugee families are experiencing American society and culture for the very first time. Everyday tasks for American families can present tremendous difficulty to a refugee. Knowing the proper change to use at the laundromat, where to take household garbage, or how to keep and store food properly are small tasks that make a big impact on the daily life of a refugee. Most refugees arrive in Wisconsin alone, with no local relatives or friends who are experienced in the transition from refugee to American.

Having a local and accessible support network is crucial to the success of a refugee in acclimating to their new life here. Refugees, as an individual, have an official resettlement agency (LSS of WI and Upper MI) and caseworker assigned to them as a resource. However, these individuals are charged with ensuring the basic needs for many newly arriving refugees each year and have difficulty in responding to the day-to-day challenges that new arrivals face. They need a Cultural Mentor as well.

What is a Cultural Mentor?
Learn more about Cultural Mentoring and the commitments involved.

Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive
Covenant will again be participating in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive. This annual drive allows St. Vincent de Paul to provide blankets, sheets and other bedding without charge to Dane County people in need throughout the year. Your help is needed to recycle the warmth and make this assistance possible. A collection bin for blankets will be set up in the narthex along with envelopes for those who would prefer to make a monetary donation. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.

Stoughton Food Pantry Needs
Bottled juice, Hamburger Helper, Cereal, Canned soups, Ramen Noodles, canned/boxed meals & sides, canned tuna, mac & cheese, peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix & syrup, toilet paper, shampoo & conditioner, toothpaste. The pantry is always in need of paper and plastic sacks. As always, monetary donations are accepted in our Piggy Bank located on the grocery cart.

START: Stoughton Area Resource Team
START provides a safety net for families in crisis. It links Stoughton families with community resources and provides support in housing, health, employment and financial assistance. START is located at 248 W. Main St., Stoughton, WI 53589. Visit the web site at

Texting for Food
Social Justice Team will highlight the Stoughton Food Pantry each month. Click the link below for a list of items that we take for granted each and every day that the Food Pantry doesn’t stock. Leave donations in the grocery cart in the Narthex. The 2nd Saturday/Sunday is our collection period. As always, donations at any time will be greatly appreciated! Click here for a list of needs.

Transportation Assistance
Providing transportation for those under 55. Coordinating efforts to assist people with appointments, special needs, transportation to the Madison Bus depot or Job Assistant within Dane County. Covenant is looking for interested Volunteer Drivers willing to spend a few hours a week helping another in need. Requirements include a background check, proof of driver’s license and record of driving over the past couple of years. If you are interested, we will see that you get an application.

Study Bibles Needed
The Dane County Jail ministry program is seeking more study Bibles. Contact Marla Janssen, at 608-358-6131 or leave for her in the church office.