“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.”— Martin Luther
Music at Covenant Lutheran deeply enhances the worship experience of all who gather here. Voices and instruments blend in a variety of musical styles expressing God’s Word in ways that speak to our hearts. Whether you are involved in making music, or listening to music, you will find something here for you.
Bell Choir
The Covenant Bell Choir rehearsals are from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in the sanctuary. Our first rehearsal each year is the Wednesday after Labor Day. You do not need to have any musical ability because we will teach you everything you need to know! Ages ninth grade and up are welcome.
Please contact Meghann if you are interested or have questions: meghann_foug@yahoo.com or 608.332.4491.
Vocal Choir – There’s No Reason Not to Join!
According to an article I recently read online, two of the most common reasons people give for not joining a church choir are “I’m scared to audition” and “I can’t be there every week.”
At Covenant, there’s no need to be frightened of Vocal Choir auditions, because there aren’t any. If you can find your way to the music room (next door to the columbarium), you’re in. As for attendance, come when you can, and sign out on the calendar when you need to be gone. We rehearse far enough ahead that you won’t feel lost after missing a couple of Sundays. (As one church musician quoted in the article said, “It’s important to have a sense of commitment, but allowances are made for real life.”)
Regular rehearsals resume at 8:15 am on Sunday, September 10, 2023; watch your bulletin (or call me at 873-9426) before that date with questions. We take our responsibility to help lead worship seriously, but we don’t take ourselves seriously. Please plan to join us for fun, fellowship, free coffee, the opportunity to sing a wide variety of sacred music and the occasional chocolate chip cookie.
Beth Gardner
Vocal Choir –
Rehearsals are Sundays at 8:15-9:15 AM in the music room. Confirmation students can receive service credit. Have questions?
Need encouragement (or arm-twisting)?
Call Beth Gardner, Director, at 873-9426.
Bell Choir –
Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 PM in the sanctuary. Confirmation students can receive service credit.
Contact Meghann Proper, Director at 332-4491 or meghann_foug@yahoo.com